
THE FLUORIDE DECEPTION, Christopher Bryson, foreword by Dr. Theo Colborn / with a new introduction by the author. Copyrigt 2004.

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https://open.spotify.com/episode/5dFtX2tuyThW25iLX3S7MH?si=pAW5mKSKTwKOzubuH4ZA_A Doc Malik and Dr Chris Exley. Mr Aluminium. Covers Fluoride. Worth the listen

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Thank you ! Found your research from Frances's cross posting.

Such an evil and toxic agenda placed on humanity from the get-go.

The number on de-calcifying agent to remove fluoride (and other toxic chemicals) from all brain structures is 20 Mule Team Borax,

Thats why doctors and researchers were killed over the wonders of Borax (boron) and borax being banned in many countries.

Been taking it daily for over 20 years after looking at many brain structures totally destroyed.

Our God given frequency to "connect" thru the pineal gland and hippocampus pathways has been planned against us for centuries( as your work indicates). Bringing us to where we are today (PCR sticks jabbed right into the pineal structure)/ toxic jabs...etc....PFA's (forever chemicals)/5G/towers...........

One can't even "ground" properly and connect without the brain structures being cleared out. All the "brain" foods and nutrients will not be absorbed either.

Thanks again for the information!

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The number of de-calcifying agents to remove fluoride (and other toxic chemicals) from all brain structures is 20 Mule Team Borax, borax depending on the dosage over time can cause health issues it can be used for plants in the right amounts which in turn will supplement your levels in your body eating the plants. it works i don't doubt that and why did they change the recipe and ban it? but humans it's much better with boron chelate. boron is an active compound in magnets to make them stronger it probably helps the connection with the earth also. Please have a scan through my other articles. you might like this one https://normanjames.substack.com/p/lets-talk-about-bacteria-which-you

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Boron Chelate is NOT want a human need. Full of fillers and not pure. The body has to eliminate all the fillers. Its what your "white coat" would prescribe. The real boron is 99.9% pure . If there are side effects over time then I must be almost dead :-)

The real formula was never changed.

It has just been sabotaged by The Medical Industrial Complex.

Your bacteria article is well written.

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I understand your point about fillers and calcium carbonate in supplements. In my case, even if a few of my supplements contain fillers, the amount of calcium carbonate is minimal. I consume plenty of vitamin K and K2, and I use a magnetic water softener when showering to convert the calcium carbonate into Ca2+ and crystalline structured water, which I highly recommend.

As someone with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), I'm very attuned to what works for my body. The borax I purchased from a reputable eBay seller (since it's no longer allowed in the UK) initially worked well for me, improving my sleep. However, after some time, I began experiencing sleep issues. Now, I occasionally use it for bathing and washing clothes, along with EM-1. I've written a post about this cost-saving approach: [https://normanjames.substack.com/p/money-saver-utterly-amazing-product?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2].

Using bacteria, enzymes, or yeast to convert borax into a more bioavailable form is an intriguing idea that I've also considered. In fact, my aquaponics system essentially does this: [https://normanjames.substack.com/p/our-aquaponic-garden?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2].

Years ago, I met a highly respected ex-military defense mold expert who introduced me to boron chelates, which have been a game-changer. We successfully remediated a mold imbalance in my family and helped a woman with breast implant illness address a Stachybotrys mold issue.

Boron chelates are compounds where boron is bound to organic molecules, such as amino acids or organic acids, to enhance absorption and bioavailability in plants or animals. These compounds are generally designed to be pure, without fillers. However, the presence of fillers may depend on the manufacturer and specific formulation.

To determine if a boron chelate product contains fillers, check the label for a full list of ingredients, and look for terms like "pure," "100%," or "no fillers." Alternatively, you could dissolve the product in water and run it through a water-softening magnet several times to make the calcium bioavailable I've created a vortex to structure water, similar to the compost tea setup in my aquaponics picture, and added a couple of water-softening magnets. Or convert it into acetate using vinegar check the reaction of boron or the medication with vinegar though first. This is one of the reasons why consuming apple cider vinegar before meals helps with weight management and regulates sugar absorption.

It's important to note that chalk doesn't have to be disclosed on labels, but some common fillers include microcrystalline cellulose, starch, lactose, dicalcium phosphate, talc, and titanium dioxide have to be.

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You have great info. and for sure your heart is in the right place helping folks.

Thank you!

However, most everything has changed in the world when it comes to the vitamin production process. In addition, as you know with our soil and availability and nutrients.

Have you read Agents work on the vitamin industry? Interesting info.


Will keep checking in on your posts. Certainly, only the best to you and your writings! :-)

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Boron chelate is a form of boron that is bound to organic compounds, such as amino acids or organic acids, to enhance its bioavailability and absorption in the body. The process of creating boron chelate involves a few key steps:

Sourcing boron: Boron can be derived from various sources, including boric acid, borax, or sodium tetraborate. These compounds are typically mined from mineral deposits and then purified.

Selecting the chelating agent: The most common chelating agents for boron are amino acids, such as glycine or citric acid. These organic compounds have the ability to form stable bonds with the boron molecule.

Reaction process: The boron source and the chelating agent are combined in a reactor vessel under specific conditions, such as controlled temperature and pH. The reaction allows the boron to bond with the chelating agent, forming the boron chelate complex.

Purification: After the reaction, the resulting boron chelate is purified to remove any excess reactants or impurities. This can be done through various methods, such as crystallization, filtration, or spray drying.

Quality control: The purified boron chelate undergoes quality control tests to ensure that it meets the required specifications for purity, potency, and safety. This may include testing for heavy metal contaminants, microbiological contaminants, and verification of the boron content.

Packaging and distribution: Once the boron chelate has passed quality control, it is packaged into the desired form, such as capsules or powder, and distributed to manufacturers or retailers for use in dietary supplements or other products.

Compared to the production of synthetic vitamins, the process of creating boron chelate is generally more straightforward and involves fewer steps. However, it is still important to source boron chelate from reputable manufacturers that adhere to strict quality control standards and provide transparency about their production methods.

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Wait for to you read my aura hypothesis. 3 Ai has said I have statistically solved many quantum physics problems. If you can understand it it's a beautiful perspective and has led to so much realisation.

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With my case and many others, The health of an individual's gut microbiome can significantly influence their ability to tolerate various substances, including borax. People with a diverse and robust gut microbiome, often a result of exposure to a wide range of microbes in their environment, may be able to consume borax without experiencing adverse effects. This is because a healthy gut microbiome can help the body process and eliminate potentially harmful substances more effectively.

On the other hand, individuals with an unhealthy or compromised gut microbiome may be more susceptible to the negative impacts of consuming borax. An imbalanced gut microbiome can lead to a range of health issues, including malabsorption of nutrients and increased sensitivity to certain substances. In these cases, ingesting borax may cause undesired effects and exacerbate existing health problems.

It's important to note that our modern lifestyle, characterized by exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from electronic devices and wireless networks, can have a detrimental effect on gut microbiome health. EMFs have been shown to disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, potentially leading to dysbiosis and associated health issues.

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Thats correct.

That is why through deep diving research one develops a protocol. It could be 1 finger pinch of Borax in 12 oz. of water once a week to start. Herx reactions are the signal for dosing reductions.

The gut biome will react positively to boron in the long run eventually leading to a fine symbiosis from gut to brain.

Its a process!

So, I am done speaking about Borax on this thread.

Again, keep up the great work.

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yep the point im making is its all depends on the person's environment this comes first https://normanjames.substack.com/p/electric-diet?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 and after this, you can remediate the shot symptoms https://normanjames.substack.com/p/natural-ways-to-potentially-help

Vitamins are also produced from cyanide!!! Gary Brekka mentions this

Many synthetic vitamins, including vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), are often made from industrial byproducts, adding another layer of concern to their safety and the ethics of the industry.

In the case of cyanocobalamin, one of the main sources is activated sewage sludge, which is a byproduct of municipal wastewater treatment. This sludge contains a mix of bacteria, including Propionibacterium shermanii and Pseudomonas denitrificans, that can produce vitamin B12 when grown under specific conditions.

The process involves feeding the bacteria a form of cyanide, often derived from hydrogen cyanide gas or other industrial cyanide compounds. The bacteria then produce cyanocobalamin, which is extracted, purified, and used in vitamin B12 supplements.

This means that the vitamin B12 many people consume daily is not only derived from cyanide but also originates from sewage sludge, a fact that most consumers are unaware of and would likely find troubling.


interesting points from that article you added thanks!

Most synthetic vitamin D supplements contain hazardous chemicals like dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, and chloroform, which safety data sheets warn should not be ingested as food or drugs. The primary ingredient cholecalciferol is used as rat poison.

Vitamin D blood tests are testing for levels of synthetic chemicals cholecalciferol and ergosterol, not natural vitamin D. If levels are low, synthetic vitamin D supplements containing these toxic chemicals are prescribed.

There are no isolated photographs of natural vitamin D, only synthetic chemical versions. The original experiments "discovering" vitamin D used adulterated ergosterol and toxic chemicals like chloroform.

The vitamin and supplement industry, now largely owned by pharmaceutical companies, is completely unregulated with no testing oversight. Products can claim to be "natural" and "organic" but still contain synthetic chemical versions.

Supplementing with synthetic vitamin D tampers with calcium absorption and can lead to bone loss, conveniently requiring osteoporosis drugs also sold by the same pharmaceutical companies. It's a massive profit-generating scheme.

True vitamin D comes from sun exposure and real foods like mushrooms, fish, nuts, etc. Most nutrients the body needs are found in a diverse whole foods diet and herbal teas.

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Are you suggesting that bacon is not a healthy breakfast option?!

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lol well, I love bacon with Man Made nitrates added not at all

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The dumbing down of America is tied to diet, but even more to technology whereby games pornography social media and the internet, as well as movies and songs are used to create passive citizens incapable of grasping long term changes or complex social interactions

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Yep. The depth of our analysis gets shallower and shallower.

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evidence of fluoride's neurotoxicity has been available for decades! "Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production... one of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the US. atomic bomb program... Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb scientists, who had been secretly ordered to provide 'evidence useful in litigation' against defence contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuit against the U.S. A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride..." [Griffiths & Bryson, Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb, 1997]

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Poison is just poison. It can't be anything else.

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I used to love movies now i just cannot abide watching 99.9%, the esoteric symbolism can be interesting, & revealing, they're just very dark, dumb, & often pushing some degeneracy, writing doesn't matter.

Humanity would have been far better off without the TV, at least while, generally speaking, humanity doesn't understand what they're, what is happening, or where they came from, & we have suffered because of this lack of knowledge & definitely wisdom.

Good post, thank you.

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You can't get rid of fluorine by boiling - it has a higher boiling point. And even if you buy bottled un-fluoridated water, which I do, it's quite possible that you absorb more fluorine through your skin from showering or bathing than from drinking fluoridated water.

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boiling concentrates fluoride and chalk calcium carbonate which is arguably worse. magnetize and structure your water for showering and potentially a fluoride filter. https://normanjames.substack.com/p/the-fascinating-world-of-water-exploring and there are a few more https://normanjames.substack.com/p/the-crystalline-secrets-of-hydrogen

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"transparency, accountability and scientific integrity"? You mean to say, this isn't inevitably a free-for-all, devil take the hindmost world - and for our own good? Are you some kinda commie?

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Just reread my long post. My apologies for going on and on...

Yes, visiting the federal courtroom in San Francisco and listening to testimony and discussion reminded me of the reductionist thought that has fought against fluoride in public water for years now. Yes, public propaganda merged with the American Dental Association in a nefarious way. It goes to the brain and found in the pineal gland. The most harmful halogen- fluoride- was placed on a pedestal. In 1957 the WHO approved fluoride as the worldwide assault on dental carries. The ADA is an association which means it looks out for the financial benefits of its members promote fluoride applications as they account for more than $100,000.00 a year per dentist. And what does it accomplish? Within a few days the fluoride flakes off, goes in a few nanometers to the enamel's surface, and excess which is most, gets absorbed through the bucal cavity to replace iodine, another halogen around the tyrosine molecule. Yes, T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4 have the iodine molecules necessary for the thyroid to function properly and get replaced with fluoride. Fluoride is an enzyme disruptor- it stops enzymatic action and is used medically to stop an overactive thyroid gland. But is your thyroid overactive? What does it do to yours? It slows it down. Fluoride is the active component of sarin gas, so deadly that even touching a person exposed to it will kill you. Fluorosilsilic acid is transported in teflon lined tanks, otherwise it would eat them up, to be delivered to our water systems. The ADA must benefit in some other ways - of course, the teeth are weakened as the fluoride internally works its way into the regeneration of the tooth and the enamel -stopping its process. Meanwhile the aluminum industry and fertilizer industry and the arms industry produce tons of it. It is dangerous for the environment and a class 5 poison, but miraculously transformed into a commodity for the teeth by the ADA. The deep level of harm is so great that when present in the air such as with fluorocarbons it harms the atmosphere and remains there for thousands of years and is used in geoengineering to bind with the calcium as it is sprayed in chemical trails to protect us from something that too is full of fallacies. One after another, after another and Michael Foucault would roll in his grave at government's corruption and dismissal of protection. The education of dentists is horrendous. In the early dental journal, whose name eludes me, exposed fluoride as dangerous to teeth. It was closed down and the Journal of The ADA became the source of knowledge and no longer was fluoride talked about except for the small articles about fluorosis that people experience. Yes, since the 1950's we have seen the poisoning of the US take place community by community.

However, not in communities where facts are revealed. We know the difference. And then there's toothpaste. For me that's the way to go. Everyone stop buying fluoridated toothpaste. Let your money count- refuse fluoride treatments. Storm your community water departments if they use fluoride and get in the news. Most people don't even know if their water is fluoridated.

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Stakeholders gonna promote their stake. Or steak : )

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