HIV has never been proven to exist. AIDS seems to be a combination of things--possibly a poisoning of some kind combined with an unhealthy lifestyle.

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its an environmental problem EMF and a habitual problem that has imbalances in different microbiomes resulting in one of many syndromes

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It would be interesting if "experimental" vaccines given to specifically to gay men (because that was happening) was the driver of this. Did EMFs play a role in their deterioration?

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you hit a lot of important points Norman; right at the get-go, the thought of mixing sperm and gut microbiome is so gross; i wish i could say it gets better but the silver lining is you and your family worked hard to become healthy again and you did it

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Yeah, Perspective from aquaponincs in the garden ie microbiomes and mixing them with kombucha/kefir. They make it gross so you won't talk about it. Mutes a room in seconds with a record scratch. Work in a care home and you're not grossed out by much. so it didn't work on me.

One day I overheard a conversation in a hospital in 2008 ish with a Dr said HIV is not real. I have always been the type of person who; looks these bizarre things up.. You've got the internet!!!! Firebox EMF protective Boxer shorts/ Briefs was my first indication online EMF was bad for you one I didn't follow with my dissonance at the time, gadget man....I passed this Gary Null the Myth of AIDS I overheard to a colleague researcher and he said to me a lot of these scientists have won awards and are very respected and they were canceled and it seemed plausible.

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OPDATED POINT HIV is said that is has never been isolated with no atomic weight,

HIV virions are indeed smaller than 5 nm, typically ranging from 1.2 to 1.4 nm in size. This puts them below the resolution limit of even the most advanced electron microscopes available today.

This gap in our ability to directly visualize structures between the resolution limits of light microscopy and electron microscopy is often referred to as the "resolution gap" or the "visualization gap." It presents a significant challenge in the study of small biological structures like certain viruses, proteins, and macromolecular complexes.

Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) can achieve resolutions down to about 0.05 nm, while scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) have a resolution limit of around 0.4 to 0.5 nm. However, these resolutions are still insufficient to directly image the smallest viruses like HIV.

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under the heading Boy’s will be Boy’s


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