Very interesting, Norman. So what is unique about hydrogen that makes it have this special relationship with space and not other elements?

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Its what made all the other elements space i suppose is one and hydrogen is many

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Beautifully stated.

Takes the mind out of this forced artificial simulation. Where we come from.

"We can see how the simplest elements can give rise to the most complex structures, and how the void is not just empty nothingness, but the womb of creation itself."

Appreciate this post!

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Takes the mind out of this forced artificial simulation. Yea. I have some deep concerns about this matter.

Existential crisis and nihilism - If people start to believe that our reality is just a simulation, it could lead to feelings that nothing really matters since it's not "real". This could potentially cause an existential crisis for some and lead to nihilistic attitudes.

Risk of simulation shutdown - Some worry that if the simulators realize we've figured it out, they might decide to end the simulation, essentially destroying our reality. Philosopher Nick Bostrom has argued we shouldn't try to prove we're in a simulation for this reason. Maybe some questions shouldn't be answered. I'm all for the wisdom of the crowd, which is only achieved when all the information is available, allowing us to make an informed decision to achieve the right one. With disinformation, we collectively choose the wrong leader.

Societal destabilization - Widespread belief in the simulation hypothesis could be highly disruptive to religions, philosophies, and social structures that are predicated on our reality being the one true reality. It may be hard for societies to adjust.

Wasted effort - Some feel pursuing this unfalsifiable hypothesis is pointless and a waste of intellectual effort that would be better spent on more concrete issues.

Ethical considerations - If this is a simulation, does that mean the beings running it can do whatever they want with us? Are we just playthings to them? Contemplating this may raise unsettling ethical questions about free will, the value of life, suffering, etc.

Issues like child exploitation, slavery (and how bad it potentially is down this rabbit hole), and other forms of human cruelty and destruction add weight to concerns about our nature as a species and what it might mean if we are in a simulation. If this is all some simulation, what does it say about whatever created us that such horrific things occur? Or is it a reflection of our own failings, replicated in the simulation? These are troubling thoughts to grapple with, especially when deoxygenated from masks, exposed to EMF, and not thinking straight due to sickness. I went through a lot of pain and made some bad decisions, which I wrote a poem about (https://normanjames.substack.com/p/sorta-poems-i-wrote). I have first-hand experience of what many are going through.

However, from my perspective in QP, I believe these concerns may be difficult to reconcile with the idea of a simulated reality.

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Excellent points. I agree on all considerations.. It appeared to me from some special assignments I have had and witnessed, there are 2 forms of AI. The one they let be known and the one deep in the underground base where a "demiurge" master dictates. This is where another "you" actually becomes "you" through altered genome in this world. Then the altered you actually becomes the real "you". I know it sounds nuts. Think the matrix movie.......Then you are completely lost but never know it.

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I think our balance which has subtleties of opposites now divided into extreme opposites forcefully to promote division and form a matrix

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The brain. The most vital organ.

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I thought you would like to read this regarding the reproducibility crisis and how i navigate it effectively https://normanjames.substack.com/p/logic-wisdom-then-science-to-confirm

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I like your writing and this post.

I am compelled to point out one thing, hopefully not to seem finicky or disagreeable, and that is that the idea of yin/yang is not like the number line, where on one side of zero, all is negative and on the other, all is positive. Both yin and yang have a "spot" of the other... It's easy to see what I'm saying if one uses a visual... Imagine the symbol of Yin/Yang... a circle with two shapes that fit perfectly together... and in the center of each shape is a portion of the other. I just felt that this concept is so very cool and lovely, I wanted to say that! I was going to put a link, but the one I found was SO DAMN LONG I decided to just describe it, lol.

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i suppose the black is the space and the white dot is us.

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Um, well, I suppose it depends on how you see it.

I take it to be Yin, with a bit of Yang, and Yang, with a bit of Yin.

Of course, it could be viruses, or amoebas with the dots as the nuclei...

Whatever boats your float, eh?

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