Hi Norman.

Great post!

Hope my reply sticks this time.

I know you posted previously on the benefits of Thai Sea Salt. Here in the USA / Redmond is one that is also a good source.

Some needed info., is also adding in salt daily to prevent dehydration.

I use Redmond . Ordered 20 lb to stock up on.


(Not to be suggested for folks with Kidney Failure or CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)

Great video here hosting Dr. David Brownstein : author of " Salt your way to Health"



Stay well!


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great to hear from you

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Thanks! Yes! Always nice when SS decides to let me comment :-

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

thanks for the video. I did start watching it and i learned a few things about sea salt i didnt know but why cant they make videos that explain this in less words and that dont drag on about it for ages with people's attention spans and time, why cant they sat salt with no minerals strips minerals from you and over time can cause illness like drinking RO water. Pink salt may have chemicals and large minerals that are not easily broken down in the body. stick to sea salt from a reputable seller .if you need iodine supplement it with lugols. Farming practices that the government encourages strip the land of minerals like iodine and has to add it to salt and then slowly stiopped you of your minerals.

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Good points about the video. Because not everyone has Norman James IQ :-)

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Thanks! I have to supplement minerals. Methylation pathways are damaged from biotoxin mold illness. I can’t fast safely, one example.

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chelated minerals are the best that are made from yeast ie alcohol. We had loads of this problems including mold in the teeth vestubilaris PCOS mold ecsema. we have remediated it but the main issue is the phone and wifi. when i touch a mobile touch screen device or wired mouse it feeds it

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I use a case from safesleeve, it helps a little.

My neuropathy flares up .& psoriasis ( leaky gut)

Sensitivity to additives in seemingly everything .

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try not using it for 2 weeks if you have to work there is a keyboard that can almost eliminate EMF i wrote a blog about it its on offer at ATM. this is what you need to do unfortunately. in 1918 the world got pneumonia from radio and you hold a cell tower worth of radiation in your hand. cell phones are the main problem

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I will try to find it, keyboard sound helpful. Thanks

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