Jul 3Liked by Norman James

Excellent observation, especially when considered in context with the effects on PH levels in the body and Richard Fenymans discussion on the Body Electric😉

Side note observation, perhaps proof read before publishing to remove any AI stylised content, or include reference to AI of course😉BTJMO

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Im dyslexic I do my best

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The Potential Role of RFR in Metal Allergies:

The "antenna effect" hypothesis raises intriguing questions about the potential role of RFR in metal allergies and sensitivities. Traditionally, metal allergies have been attributed to the direct chemical interaction between the metal and the skin. However, if metal objects can indeed act as antennas and concentrate RFR energy in nearby tissues, it suggests that the RFR itself might be a contributing factor in some metal-induced skin reactions.

This idea aligns with the concept of "hot spots" that has been observed in studies on the interaction between RFR and metal objects. If a metal object in contact with the skin, such as a piece of jewelry or a dental filling, can concentrate RFR energy in the nearby tissues, it could potentially lead to localized inflammation, oxidative stress, and other biological responses that manifest as skin irritation or rashes.

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The Eddie Van Halen Case: A Compelling Anecdote:

The case of Eddie Van Halen provides a compelling anecdotal example that aligns with the idea of metal objects interacting with RFR to influence health outcomes. Van Halen's habit of holding metal guitar picks in his mouth, combined with his frequent exposure to the high-EMF environment of recording studios, may have created a "perfect storm" for the "antenna effect."

It's important to note that recording studios are typically high-EMF environments due to the presence of numerous electronic devices, including amplifiers, sound systems, and various recording equipment. This means that Van Halen was likely exposed to elevated levels of RFR on a regular basis during his long hours of studio work.

If the metal picks were indeed concentrating this RFR energy in the tissues of his tongue and mouth, it could potentially have contributed to the development of his tongue cancer. The localized nature of his cancer, specifically in the area where the metal picks rested, is a striking correlation that warrants further investigation.

The fact that Van Halen spent a significant amount of time in a high-EMF environment adds weight to the anecdotal evidence and strengthens the possibility of a causal link between his metal pick habit, RFR exposure, and his tongue cancer. While this single case cannot prove causation definitively, it does provide a compelling real-world example that aligns with the "antenna effect" hypothesis and highlights the need for further research in this area.

Van Halen's story serves as a powerful reminder of the potential risks associated with the combination of metal objects and high EMF exposure, particularly in occupational settings where individuals may be exposed to elevated levels of RFR on a regular basis. It underscores the importance of considering EMF exposure as a potential factor in the development of certain health conditions and the need for appropriate precautionary measures in high-EMF environments.

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The COVID operation.

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With Graphene Oxide being the latest toxin.

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Eddie Van Halen was positive he got tongue cancer from a habit of holding a metal guitar pick in his mouth in his recording studio (strong EMF environment) and the cancer started where the metal pick rested against his tongue.

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Ronnie James Dio: The legendary heavy metal vocalist, known for his work with Rainbow, Black Sabbath, and his own band Dio, passed away in 2010 from stomach cancer. Some have speculated that his frequent use of metal-studded leather armbands and his habit of holding the microphone close to his mouth during high-energy performances may have played a role in his cancer development.

Tony Iommi: The Black Sabbath guitarist was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2012. Iommi has spoken publicly about his habit of holding metal guitar picks in his mouth during performances, similar to Eddie Van Halen. While no direct link has been established, some have suggested that this habit, combined with exposure to high-EMF environments during concerts, may have contributed to his cancer risk.

Michael Burks: The blues guitarist, known for his intense playing style, passed away in 2012 from heart failure. Some have speculated that his habit of holding metal guitar picks in his mouth during performances, along with his high-energy playing style and exposure to stage lighting and sound equipment, may have placed additional strain on his cardiovascular system.

Adam Yauch: The Beastie Boys rapper and bassist, known by his stage name MCA, passed away in 2012 from salivary gland cancer. While no direct link has been established, some have pointed to his frequent use of metal-encased microphones and his proximity to sound equipment during performances as potential contributing factors.

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Jul 4Liked by Norman James

The more we/people look, which so many don’t tend to do, the faster we will create a healthy foundation for living… In a world of instant global communication between everyone, we are finally making progress fast.

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If you end up looking at the rate of disease for scientists working at the poles of earth and astronauts working off earth, you’ll find they get sicker the longer they are outside Earth’s EM field or toroidal field which is the EMF Hz of the Schumann Resonances.

The primary frequency of the Schumann Resonance, 7.83 Hz, falls within the spectrum of alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves are associated with relaxation, rest, and closed eyes. They are typically produced when a person is in a state of relaxation, meditation, or sleep… so you can imagine the effect when we are removed from that frequency or via inductance from stronger EMF, it’s changed.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Author
Jul 4·edited Jul 4

I posted something similar about the future tech that relates to isolating matter in an EMF bubble to teleport it, which is the process for space ships. I won’t get into it here but replicating based on a source template and/or from nothing is about the same tech as I discussed in comments under today’s post. For replication, it’s about building recipes using a photonic data recorder/camera to capture photonic data to replicate it using quantum AI (real AI), which involves ether modalities and standing waves… it’s a long story and it’s late in the day for me: Comments are under this post in you are interested: https://talknet.substack.com/p/ai-is-fake-as-it-gets-proof

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Author

It sounds like fantastical nonsense like most theories nowadays QP is one of the most proergandise subjects I have ever come across i concentrate what i can explain that is relative to now and life. if you take the time to read it and the explanation of the double slit I've statistically solved it and much more stemming from it including BT framework. im talking about how telomeres work as they are dense uncountable energy at the poles which feeds the perplcation the rest of the cell until the infinite energy runs out over time and dies giving a framework. BT paradox shows how you can duplicate a sphere and keep doing it . and the poles' feed the less disease spere its to do with the auric field coming from it. ie why plants grow better towards the poles its to do with electro culture and why we built the pyramids to grow plants plant power

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you need to read my barnoch taski and poles analogy it provides some amazing framework for undertanding/gett though this bit.. first


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thanks see comments above metal allergies and van halen

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"Did you know that a smart phone has at least 4 antennas? WIFI, LTE, Cellular network, and bluetooth? They all are constantly receiving signals. And if you are nearby your cell phone, these signals are potentially going through the body."


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5g 200 channels plus these and 4g 7 channels plus these

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